
Though our onscreen and online campaigns and strategies gain the most attention; it’s our behind the scenes consultation that gives our clients the best possible chance to monetize and optimize their organization’s resources. We look at the buyer’s journey into your product or service and help you make adjustments to enhance conversions, refine messages and enhance life brand and identity. Our consultations have saved our clients millions of dollars through our total media evaluations that eliminate waste and inform the most efficient media plans and messages.

Monetization Strategies

It’s not uncommon for a high-profile client to have millions of viewers, follower etc. in their media footprint, but they are under monetizing that audience. We look at all your giving/buying funnels and make recommendations to drive revenue.

Brand Evaluation

Sometimes great brands face an identity crisis when market changes force a product or service offering pivot. We can help evaluate your brand and guide your messages during transitions, or lead new brand development.

Total Media Ecosystem Evaluations

We never buy or create messages with only one channel or platform in mind. In today’s omnichannel world, we take a holistic look at the effect of everything together and identify key metrics, strategies and liabilities. Her are some of the things we do.

  • Analyze intake efficiency or set-up from scratch (call centers, landing pages etc.).
  • Analyze Customer journey (Where do they fall off? Where do they buy in? Are the engaged?).
  • Analyze R.O.I. metrics for every dollar spent based on pre-set key performance indicators.
  • Analyze lead acquisition to develop data bases of future customers.
  • Set benchmarks for all your marketing streams.
  • Evaluate all channels of your message deployment.
  • Website Optimization Evaluations

Here are some common F.A.Q.S. that could signal you need our help:

Is your call center converting?

Is your lead farm declining because your content may be bombarding the same people too frequently?

Are there holes in your online funnels?

How can we go to the next level?

Do you know your true acquisition costs?

Is your content getting in front of a lot of people but not converting?